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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 22nd January 2021

Posted: Fri 22nd Jan 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope everyone is keeping well.

I was delighted to share the positive results of our Home Learning Survey earlier in the week with you. Once again, thank you to all that contributed - your feedback will help us to continue to strive to deliver our very best for your children.

I would like to thank all our families for everything you are doing - your commitment, enthusiasm and support is greatly appreciated by us all here. We continue to see work that is of a really high standard both from our home learners and children in school - it is very clear that everyone is really ‘pulling together’ and children are engaged in learning. We will do our very best to share some of the childrens’ amazing work with you each week - I’m sure you’ll agree, your children are just brilliant!

We also want to reassure families who have children learning at home; that we fully understand how difficult home-schooling can be and how hard it is to find the right balance. We also know that behaviour may be an issue. Rest assured that this is normal - children are bound to push back when “Mum” and “Dad” switch roles and all of a sudden become “teacher”. If you need any support with managing your child’s behaviour at home, please get in touch. As a working Mum myself - I know how hard this can be! Have a brilliant weekend everyone.

Mrs Freeman

Acting Head Teacher

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