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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 22nd April 2022

Posted: Fri 22nd Apr 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

A very warm welcome back to school after what I hope has been a wonderful Easter break for you all!

Easter celebrations were extended by a day for the children of BHPS as on Tuesday we had a fantastic Easter egg hunt which was organised by the Friends of BHPS. Thank you to them all for giving up their time to organise and facilitate this for the children - the children loved it! Thank you to parents and carers for your financial contributions.

On Tuesday afternoon, the BHPS Netball team played their first ever competitive match. We played a home game against Balgowan Primary School and the team really did show amazing sportsmanship, netball skills and teamwork. Although we could not boast a victory, the team showed real promise and we are so proud of the way that they conducted themselves! A very special ‘well done’ to all the team and to both Mrs
Horgan for coaching the team and Mr Day for being the teacher in charge.

At the end of the last half-term, I sent a letter to inform you about changes to our After School Club programme and also to inform you about our new After School Club Mini. With the introduction of After School Club Mini, we are able to offer after school care and activities until both 4.30pm and 6pm. If you would like to find out more about our After School Club, please contact Mrs Wythers in the office. We very much hope that the addition of ‘Mini’ will help parents and carers feel they have more options for wraparound care at BHPS.

I am also delighted to welcome back Mrs Sanford, who is currently based in Year 2 and covering Miss Burgham. Mrs Page also joins our learning support team and will be based in year 2 and Miss Ladd joins our pre-school team. On behalf of the staff team, I extend a very warm welcome to our new starters.

On Wednesday, Mrs Buchanan, Maths Lead, shared an update with you all on our Maths Challenge system and the introduction of our new ‘Green’ level. We also included information on Times Tables Rockstars and a Parent Guide. Log-in details for Times Tables Rock Stars (R-Y6 only) will have been sent home with children this week. We also enclosed an example of the sort of maths challenges that children do in school and also information about a 1 minute maths app, which provides support for yellow, red and green levels of maths challenges - it covers the counting and calculation areas of the curriculum. We are aware that this is a lot of information to digest, therefore if you have any questions please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.

Today the children have enjoyed ‘Earth Day’ and this year’s theme is ‘Invest in our Planet’. This afternoon, children have had the opportunity to plant seeds, bulbs or plants in our school grounds. Over time, we verymuch hope that this will bring some more colour and interest to our beautiful school grounds. Thank you for providing your children with seeds, bulbs or plants for today's planting. Finally, I would like to thank Mrs Churchward for organising both the planting and learning activities for Earth Day.

Please can all children ensure they have a named water bottle and a coat in school each day - thank you.

On Monday, we are very excited to be taking some of our junior choir members to the O2 for Young Voices 2022! This is such a fabulous event that both the children, Mr Devlin and Mrs Windover have worked exceptionally hard for and one that I think they will all remember!

We have had a great first week back at BHPS - have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead


A message from the Friends of BHPS
The deadline for returning your child’s design work for the Queen's Jubilee is
Monday 25th April at 3.30pm. If you would like to order either a tea towel or
mug with your child's design on, follow the instructions on the reverse of your
child's design and return your completed order form to your child’s class
teacher by Monday 25th April at 3.30pm at the latest. The Friends will be
unable to process any late orders. Thank you.



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