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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 21st January 2022

Posted: Fri 21st Jan 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We were very sorry to have to enact our Outbreak Management Plan in school this week. We must do all we can as a school to minimise transmission and therefore these additional safety measures are absolutely necessary. I would like to extend my sincere apologies to parents and carers of 5F and Miss Farrell; having to postpone a class assembly is never something I want to do and I look forward to being able to reschedule this very soon.

On Monday it was a pleasure to host our first Class Representative and Parent Forum group meeting. This is a new initiative at the school and it will be an invaluable tool for gathering regular feedback from parents and carers. Please look out for posters in class windows displaying who your forum and class representative is. On our main reception window, we will also have a full list of all class representatives across the school. Please keep an eye out for an article next week on how to communicate with your class representative.

On page 2 you will find an article from Ms Reed and Miss Castledine about the year 3 trip to Horton Kirby Education Centre - it very much sounds like this was a trip that the children enjoyed! We sadly have also needed to postpone ‘Tea and Tots’ this week and next, however, we hope to be able to restart this on Tuesday 1st February - please do keep an eye out for a confirmation email nearer the time. We are seeing a notable increase in the number of children who are arriving late for school, which is a concern. We encourage all parents and carers to use our ‘Soft drop’ from 8.40-8.50am as this really helps children settle and have a good start to the school day - registers are taken at 9am. The negative impact that lateness can have on both the children and running of the school day is significant. I know and understand that there are times when lateness is unavoidable, but these occasions should be few and far between. Please ensure that children are here on time - it really is one of the best life lessons that you can teach them!

Thank you to Mrs Walker for helping us to go through a mountain of books in school on Wednesday - it was a huge help to us and will enable us to set up our external library on both playgrounds.

We were pleased to be able to send out a flyer on Thursday to year 5 and 6 parents and carers about Monte Lynch Cricket Coaching who are running an external club during both the February and May half terms at Charles Darwin School. Monte is currently delivering some wonderful cricket to our year 6 children - they are loving these sessions and there are some budding cricketers for sure! More information regarding these clubs is available from the main reception desk. 

Please remember the importance of wearing masks on site, and if you are coming into school for a meeting or another reason, we politely request that you complete a LFD test beforehand. There are changes to operational guidance for schools that will come into effect on Monday but these changes will not be applicable to us until we have reached the end of next week, which is when we will hopefully be able to lift the temporary COVID restrictions that we have in place. I will provide more information about this next week.

I think we are all very hopeful that we can see some light at the end of the tunnel and we are looking forward to much more normal spring and summer terms! Thank you so much for your continued support and cooperation.

Have a fabulous weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman 

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead




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