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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 20th January 2023

Posted: Fri 20th Jan 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was a pleasure for Mr Devlin to welcome parents and carers of 5G to Globe Theatre’s class assembly this morning. The assembly which was themed ‘The Musical’ was fantastic and really showed off 5G’s performance skills. Thank you to Globe Theatre class and to Miss Gray for such a fantastic assembly and our thanks to parents and carers for coming.

On Tuesday, Miss Turner, Miss Wigfield and Mr Devlin were delighted to take 22 children from our KS2 Choir to Young Voices at the O2. Biggin Hill Primary School has been involved with Young Voices for a number of years and again, this was a spectacular event and an experience that they will never forget! I would like to thank Miss Turner, Miss Wigfield and Mr Devlin for working so hard with the KS2 Choir and for taking the children to the O2. Our KS2 (Y4-6) choir will now close for the rest of the academic year although Miss Turner, Music Lead, will see them all at lunchtime on 27th January in her classroom.

After the February half term, we hope to be in a position to invite our children in year 1, 2 and 3 to join our KS1 Choir. We usually run this at lunchtime and will be in touch about this soon.

On Wednesday, we also sent a letter to parents and carers regarding Number Day, which is taking place on Friday 3rd February. We are looking forward to supporting the NSPCC and hope that we can raise much needed funds for this important charity. As part of Number Day, we will also be taking part in Dress up for Digits and invite children to wear an item of clothing with a number on it (football shirt, cap, netball shirt or even a onesie). Children can be as creative as they wish by dressing up in a full number themed outfit or by making a maths hat or they can keep it simple and wear their favourite sports number. Don’t forget, there is no need to purchase anything expensive, please use what you have from around the house. Although we are suggesting a £2 donation, we really would appreciate any change that you feel you are able to give.

Mrs Buchanan, Maths Lead, will also be running a times tables workshop from 8.50 - 9.40am on Number Day for parents and carers of children in Years 3 - 6. This will take the form of a presentation in the Key Stage 2 hall followed by the opportunity to watch a times table session in your child’s class. Please use the Google form within our original letter to indicate whether or not you will be attending.

We would also like to encourage as many parents and carers to sign up to the class WhatsApp groups if you have not already done so. We are still looking for a parent representative for Colosseum and Sydney Opera House class. If you would like to find out more about this voluntary role, please contact Mrs Helps at for an informal chat or speak to me on the gate. 

Today our Year 4 children enjoyed a visit from ‘Portals to the Past’ and swapped a day in the classroom for the KS1 hall where they enjoyed an activity-based workshop on the Saxon period! 

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead



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