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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 1st April 2022

Posted: Fri 1st Apr 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

This morning it was a pleasure to host our Head Teacher Award assembly in school. Presenting these awards is always something that makes me feel incredibly proud to be headteacher here.

The children have had a fantastic Science Week this week - we have seen all sorts of experiments across the school and children have very much enjoyed this learning. Thank you to Ms Reed, Science Lead, for planning this brilliant week! It will also be a pleasure for us to be able to welcome you to school this afternoon for ‘Look at my Learning’. Please don't worry if you are unable to attend as teaching and support staff are also on hand to look at learning.

On Wednesday, we sadly said goodbye to Mrs Jones who has left BHPS for a change in career. We wish Mrs Jones all the best for the future - and very much hope that she enjoyed her BHPS send off on Wednesday afternoon!

After Easter, we are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Sanford back from maternity leave. Mrs Sanford will initially be based in Year 2, Baker Class.

Last week we also sent some information (year 3-6 only) from STEMkids regarding a new external engineering club we will be running at the school after the Easter holiday. It is exciting for us to hold this club at the school, please visit their website for more informtion and to register your child.

I would like to thank the staff team here for all their hard work during what has been a challenging term!

I would like to wish them all a restful Easter break. Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of our children for all their fabulous work - they all make BHPS the very special place that it is and they make us all so proud!

Have a fabulous Easter break and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 19th April.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead


A message from the Friends of BHPS

Today, each child (YR-Y6) will be bringing home some design work that they have completed in school for the Queen's Jubilee. If you would like to order either a tea towel or mug with your child's design on, please follow the instructions on the reverse of your child's design and return your completed order form to your child’s class teacher by Monday 25th April at the latest. The Friends will be unable to process any late orders. If your child is in pre-school, their designs would have been sent home with your child on their last pre-school session before the Easter holidays. Please note, the copy you have been sent is the only original for your child.

Thank you.

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