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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 19th November 2021

Posted: Fri 19th Nov 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Sunday it was an honour to join our prefects in laying a wreath at the Remembrance Service at the Biggin Hill War Memorial. A very ‘well done’ to our
prefects for attending, representing our school and also for looking so amazingly
smart in their school uniform. I must also take a moment to recognise our children from other attending organisations who were incredibly
respectful and well behaved - well done!

This week the children have enjoyed ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ BHPS Style! Our entire school community (including staff) came to school in odd socks for ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Monday to celebratethat we are all unique and different. We also all enjoyed a whole school assembly themed around ‘One Kind Word’ led by Miss Wigfield, PSHE Lead. Although this subject matter can sometimes be difficult, the children have really enjoyed some of the engaging anti-bullying activities this week and have shown such maturity during class discussions. I would like to thank Miss Wigfield for coordinating the anti-bullying activities across the school. For more information about Anti-Bullying Week, please see our article on page 3.

On Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, we FINALLY took delivery of our new desks - they look AMAZING! I know there was a little disruption to the start of the school day on Tuesday, however, this was very much outside of our control, and with everyone involved we managed to have the school looking ship shape just after 10am. As I am sure you can imagine, this was a logistical challenge - but we did it! I would like to thank one of our parents, Mr De Brito, and the many staff who helped on Tuesday morning. Finally, thank you to Mr Walpole, our Site Manager, who without his exceptionally hard work this would not have been possible. The children love their new-look classrooms!

Children in Reception to Year 6 attended a whole school ‘Science Fizz Pop’ assembly on Wednesday - I think that it is fair to say that we have some budding scientists among our amazing BHPS children! We are very excited to advise that in the new year ‘Science Fizz Pop’ will be offering an external after school club for children in Year 1-6. I have attached their advert within this newsletter for reference. This was also emailed to Y1-Y6 parents and carers on Wednesday 17th November.

Next Thursday, 25th November, I am delighted to advise that Mr Aston Smith, the new headteacher from January 22 at Charles Darwin School, will be visiting our school with Mr Chotai. His visit is scheduled towards the end of the school day, therefore, please say ‘hello’ and help us to provide a very warm BHPS welcome.

Please also remember, if you know of any friends with children due to start school in September 2022, we are offering pre-bookable tours of our school - our advert on page 4 provides more information.

The festive season is fast approaching and I would like to make a plea for donations for our Christmas Hampers. In previous years’, we have been able to make the most amazing hampers for our raffle but to do this we do need your help. Each year group has been given the theme for their hamper and we are asking for donations please. We have extended the deadline for hamper donations to Friday 26th November. After such a hard 18 months, we want this year’s Christmas Fair to be extra special for all
our families.

Finally, the Biggin Hill Christmas lights ‘Switch On’ is taking place on Saturday 20th November between 4-5pm and we are very excited to announce that our amazing BHPS Choir (Y4/5/6 children only) will be singing at this event (note, Y4/5/6 Choir children attending will meet Mrs Windover and Mr Devlin slightly earlier at 3.45pm). This is a lovely community event and it would be great to see families there supporting
the KS2 Choir and our amazing school.

The last word from me this week is for our children - each week they amaze us - their helpfulness and good cheer this week have been particularly worthy of note!

Have a fabulous weekend and we hope to see as many of you as possible at the Biggin Hill Christmas lights ‘Switch On’ on Saturday.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated
Safeguarding Lead  


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