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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 19th May 2023

Posted: Fri 19th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

An enormous ‘well done’ to our year 2 children this week for working so hard on their SATs - there is one final week of Year 2 SATs next week and then these important statutory assessments will be completed. So far, I have nothing other than praise for all our amazing year 2 children for showing such endeavour and working so hard on these tests.

It is again important for all year 2 children to be in school on time next week - please remember that the gates open at 8.40am, giving the children plenty of time to settle before their tests.

On Wednesday morning we waved off many of our year 4 children as they headed out on their Bushcraft residential trip. We welcome them back later today and I am sure they will have so many tales to tell!

For children who have not attended Bushcraft, we have had a very exciting few days in
school and have enjoyed a trip to Beckenham Park, a Pizza Express lunch, bowling and
finally some cooking with Mrs Sargent today!

We will provide a little more information on the Bushcraft trip in the coming weeks, but
for now I would like to thank Miss Elliott, Mrs Greenslade and Miss Curran (school staff) and Ms Wythers, who as you know retired earlier this year, for attending. Thank you to them all for taking great care of the children and a very special ‘thank you’ to
Ms Dawkins and Miss Elliott for taking care of the administrative side of the trip. Finally, thank you to Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Rooney, Mrs Sargeant and Miss Knott for ensuring that our children who did not attend Bushcraft had their own exciting week.

Thank you to parents and carers for responding to the consultation survey regarding PE and Forest School Kits - please be advised that this survey has now closed. Over the next few weeks we will analyse the results and communicate with you. Please continue to send children into school in Forest School and PE Kits on days when they have these lessons in school.

On Monday, we were delighted to forward a letter to you from theFriends of BHPS regarding the Sponsored Bounce which is taking placeon Friday 26th May. You will have also received a paper copy of asponsorship form as these came home with children on Monday. We do have a few copies of the sponsorship forms in our main reception area, if needed. The sponsored bounce is always great fun and all proceeds raised will directly benefit the children at the school - so please encourage friends and family to sponsor your child.

I would like to thank Mrs Horgan for organising the BHPS Interclub Netball Rally which took place after school yesterday. This was a great opportunity for the team to play some fun and friendly games against each other - well done everyone and my thanks to parents, carers and staff for supporting and cheering our netball team along.

Just a final reminder, class photographs will be taking place on Monday, 22nd May. Please can we ask all children to ensure that they come into school wearing school uniforms on this day and if necessary, bring a PE kit and/or swimming kit.

Finally, on behalf of the leadership team and staff at the school, I would like to wish our Year 2 children the very best of luck with their final week of SATs.

We wish all our families a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

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