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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 18th November 2022

Posted: Fri 18th Nov 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Sunday it was an honour to join our prefects in laying a wreath at the Remembrance Service at the Biggin Hill War Memorial. A very special ‘well done’ to our prefects for attending and representing our school so brilliantly! I must also take a moment to recognise our children from other attending organisations who were incredibly respectful and so well behaved during the service - well done!

This week we have celebrated ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ which started with Odd Socks Day on Monday! Our entire school community (including staff) came to school in odd socks to celebrate that we are all unique and different. Today we have also celebrated ‘Children in Need' and the children have enjoyed wearing their own clothes including either something spotty; something yellow; or something bear-themed - they look SPOTacular! As mentioned in our letter last week, we also collected a suggested donation of £1 for each child in their own clothes and all monies collected this morning will be split equally between both the Anti-Bullying Alliance and Children in Need. Thank you so much for your generosity this morning.

Yesterday, our year 5 and 6 Netball team held a mini tournament against each other. Each game was 7 minutes long and it was great to see the children enjoying netball and showing some competitive team spirit. Our thanks to parents and carers for watching and also to Mrs Horgan for both leading and organising the mini tournament for the netball team.

We would also like to thank you all for your very kind donations towards our Christmas hampers. As in previous years, our hampers will make the most wonderful raffle prizes at the Christmas Fair on 9th December.

It will be our pleasure to welcome parents and carers (R-Y6) to school this afternoon from 2.30pm for Look at my Learning. Children are very much looking forward to sharing their learning from Anti-bullying Week with you. We anticipate that Look at my Learning will end at 3pm so teaching staff can organise and prepare the children for dismissal at 3.15pm. Children will not be dismissed early. 

On Monday (21st November), our year 6 children look forward to a trip to Lullingstone Country Park - please can I just ask that all children are in school by 8.45am to allow for the swift departure of this trip. 

For children remaining in school, we are all very excited to allow the children to watch the first England match. We do apologise for this clash with year 6 however this was unavoidable. For any children in R-Y6 that do not wish to watch the match, we will be providing some World Cup themed activities for them to complete. On Monday, do look out for an email from Mrs Sanford regarding the activities for children to complete around the World Cup if they wish to at home.

Also on Monday morning, Mrs Lucas, Literacy Lead, will be running a Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for parents/carers of Reception and Year 1 between 8.50-9.30 (see email from Mrs Lucas sent on 11.11.22). If you would like to attend and have not indicated this already on the google form, please email Mrs Lucas directly at We are very much looking forward to running this session and hope the approach we have taken will be both interactive, fun and informative.

As well as the above, on Monday we will also be welcoming families that were not able to attend our BHPS Open Days to our first of four individual tour dates running at the school. We always enjoy showing prospective families around our school and we know the children will help us to make them feel very welcome.

Today children will be bringing home a letter and raffle tickets from the Friends of BHPS for the Christmas Fair - full details on how to purchase tickets is in the letter.  The Friends will also be running a Christmas jumper sale on 23rd November in the KS2 Hall directly after school.

On Monday, we will be sending a letter to you regarding Christmas donations for Bromley Foodbank - please take time to read the letter on Monday when you receive it. We will be collecting Christmas food items on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th November. We are very aware this is both an expensive and busy time of the year and would like to reassure families that donating is entirely voluntary. If you feel you are able to donate, this will be greatly received by Bromley Foodbank.

We would also like to remind you all that on Friday 25th November we have our school photographs for both individuals and siblings.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Our very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman - Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Mrs  Lawrence - SENCo, Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



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