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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 17th July 2020

Posted: Fri 17th Jul 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

As the school year draws to a close, I must give my sincere and heartfelt thanks to you all for your amazing and continued support to make our school the very best it can be!

I must also ask that we all take a moment of reflection for the challenges this unprecedented pandemic has given our community and extend my gratitude and thanks to everyone for being so supportive and strong. Your emails, messages and encouragement, especially during the last 4 months, has been overwhelming and helped us strive to provide the very best provision possible for our amazing children!

In September, I look forward to extending a very warm welcome to Oliver Day (who is covering Miss Burgham’s maternity leave) and Debbie Mason, who is joining our LSA team. Miss Burgham will still be with us at the beginning of term and then off on maternity leave. We are sad to wave goodbye to the fabulous Mrs Fotheringham and wish her the very best of luck in the future - I am sure you’ll agree, last week's ‘Spotlight On’ shows the range of our Art curriculum the children have enjoyed this year.

We also wave farewell to our amazing year 6 children as they move on to secondary school and wish them all the very best of luck during the next stage of their school journey.

I would like to thank my entire staff team for their continued hard work, enthusiasm and dedication this year and wish them all a very restful break - it is such an enormous pleasure to work with them all.  My thanks also goes to the Friends of Biggin Hill Primary School for their continuous support throughout the year and also to our volunteers that came into school - thank you everyone!

Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank all our amazing and incredible children. They have shown such strength and resilience this year - they are truly a credit to you and to our school.

On behalf of myself, Mrs Freeman, Mrs Lawrence and my amazing staff team, thank you for all the lovely gifts and cards - your enormous generosity is truly appreciated by us all.

We cannot wait to open our doors to everyone in September!

Have a wonderful summer,

Mr Ellis

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