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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 16th September 2022

Posted: Fri 16th Sep 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

With the passing of our late Queen, this week the children have spent time in school remembering the extraordinary life of Queen Elizabeth II. In seeing the media coverage over this past week, the children have been full of questions, so teaching staff have discussed the changes this brings to our Monarchy and our country. We welcome our new King, King Charles III.

We would also like to remind families that BHPS is closed on Monday 19th September as this is now a national bank holiday to allow individuals to pay their respects to Her Majesty and commemorate her reign.

On Tuesday, we wrote to families of R-Y6 children regarding trips and/or interactive learning experiences and how these will be managed by the school going forward. For this year, trips will be planned and paid for on a trip by trip basis and this system will replace the annual contribution system that was previously in place. Everyone has been hit hard by the cost of living crisis and in the main, the cost of providing trips has
increased. Our aim is to provide three enrichment experiences (either trips, visitors or workshops) for each year group across the year but this will depend on topics covered, costs and availability. Financial contributions towards trips are voluntary, however if insufficient funds are collected for each trip we may have to cancel. If your child is entitled to and in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, the school may be able to use
some of this funding to pay for part or all of the trip.

We would like to advise that ‘Tea and Tots’ (our baby and toddler group) started at the beginning of this term and is held on Tuesday afternoons, 1.30-3pm. This is open to all our families and also our wider Biggin Hill community, so please spread the word or bring a friend!

Over the summer holidays, we have organised and sorted through our vast collection of reading books. On Tuesday 20th September, we will be selling books which are no longer needed for the bargain price of 3 for £1. The sale will start at lunchtime and children are welcome to bring in a £1 or £2 coin (no notes) to purchase these books. Please put your child's money in a named envelope as loose coins are really difficult to reunite with their rightful owner. Children will be responsible for keeping their
money in their school bags or a zipped pocket. The sale will take place on both playgrounds and continue after school by the gates. All proceeds made will go directly back to the school and be put towards purchasing new books.

The Friends of Biggin Hill Primary School will be holding their AGM at school on Friday 23rd September, 9.15am. This meeting will provide an opportunity to find out more about the Friends of BHPS and a little more about the amazing events and fundraising they do for us.

Well done to the children that shared their Summer Reading Challenge certificates this morning in Celebration Assembly; it is wonderful to see how many children have been reading for pleasure and enjoying the challenge.

Finally, we would just like to pass on an enormous ‘well done’ to our Reception children for doing so well with their first full week in school - they are settling in very nicely and it has been wonderful to welcome our new Reception families to our school community over the last few weeks.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Our best wishes,

Mrs Freeman, Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Lawrence, SENCo, Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated



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