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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 13th October 2022

Posted: Fri 14th Oct 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to the parents and carers that joined us at our BHPS Community Coffee Morning earlier today - it was lovely to see you all. We hope you enjoyed browsing our various stands and meeting other parents and carers from across the school over tea or coffee. Thank you also to the Friends of BHPS for selling pre-loved school uniforms at the coffee morning this morning.

Thank you to both children and staff for supporting ‘Wear Red’ day at school today - showing our support for the amazing work this educational charity does around equality, diversity and equal opportunities for all is important. For more information about this important charity, please see their website at:

It will be our pleasure to welcome you all to the first Parent Consultations (R-Y6) for this academic year later this afternoon and also tomorrow morning. To make full use of your parent consultation, we suggest that you look at your child’s work either before or after your consultation. Please do use your full allocated time with your child’s class teacher and ask any questions you may have. If you do have anything you wish to speak with us directly about, we will both be available during parent consultations.

We have seen two fabulous Science Buzz Days in school recently. On Monday, Year 5 had a Space and Astronaut themed Buzz Day where they were finding out what it was like to be an astronaut for the day! Year 3 also enjoyed a ‘Push and Pulls’ Buzz Day last week and even got to bring their scooters or bikes into school for the day!

Thank you to the Friends of BHPS for organising two brilliant fundraisers for us recently - the Christmas cards and the Halloween Pumpkin Trail. The Friends will be selling Halloween Pumpkin Trail packs for a final time after school today from the blue hut. These projects are brilliant fundraisers for the school and we hope that you will support both of these amazing initiatives.

Well done to our Year 6 Netball team for playing such a brilliant match against CMO yesterday. Mrs Horgan informed us that it was a fabulous match - our team showed such resilience, sportsmanship and they also won the match!

On Tuesday, we sent a letter regarding our BHPS ‘Stickers for Shower Gel’ campaign to support the work of Bromley Brighter Beginnings, an amazing local charity that supports families in need. We will be collecting shower gel on the gate on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th November - please support us with this campaign if you can. To find out more about Bromley Brighter Beginnings, please visit their website at:

When we return after the half-term break, we will be preparing for our 2022 Open Days and hope that these attraction events will be popular with parentsand carers of children that are due to start school in September 2023. If you know of any local families with children due to start primary school in September 2023, please do let them know about these open events.

Last week, I wrote to all parents and carers regarding the work we are doing to review our attendance systems in school. Thank you to those who have already started to use Studybugs. I hope that you have found this a useful way to report absence due to illness for your child.

Later today, you should be receiving an email with your child’s current attendance to date. This is an automated email which details their current percentage attendance. If you are concerned about your child’s attendance or feel there is more we could do to support you with this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

As well as reporting absence due to illness, it is important that we are informed of any planned absences in advance. Leave of absence forms are available from Reception.

Please note that holidays should be taken outside of term time. We are only permitted to authorise holidays during term time in very limited and exceptional circumstances.

Have a lovely break.

Our very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman
Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Lawrence
SENCo, Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


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