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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 12th November 2021

Posted: Fri 12th Nov 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

This morning it was a pleasure to welcome parents and carers of Jessica Ennis-Hill Class (6E) to their class assembly. The children enjoyed sharing their learning and spoke so confidently and clearly. A very special ‘well done’ to 6E. Thank you to Mrs Shepherd and Miss Whittaker for their support with the class assembly this morning.

On Monday and Tuesday we welcomed prospective parents and carers of children who are due to start school in September, to our school. On arrival, parents and carers were given a very warm welcome by our prefects and found out all about our school through my Headteacher Presentation. Our visitors were then treated to an account of some of our Y6 children’s time so far at BHPS - George H, Samuel Y and Bella S all took to the mic and delivered the most incredible speech about their journey at BHPS. Parents and carers were then taken on a tour of our school by our fabulous Y6 tour guides! Everyone convened in the hall for questions, an informal look at books, newsletters, bulletins and associated literature. After not being able to hold an ‘in person’ open event last year, this was a very important opportunity for the school. Throughout both events, the children displayed impeccable behavior and a love for learning - we really are very proud of them all. Although our Open Days have now finished, we are still able to offer prospective parents and carers who have children due to start school in September 2022 pre-bookable tours of our school. Please see the advert on page 3 for more information.

On Wednesday, Mrs Lucas, Literacy Lead, held an Early Reading Workshop. The purpose of this workshop was to show parents and carers how we teach reading in school and explain how you can help your child at home. Resources and books were also available to look through over a coffee. Last Thursday, I sent out a letter regarding the BHPS Christmas Fair which is taking place on Friday 10th December, 3.30pm-5.30pm. We hope to have another amazing raffle this year and as in previous years we will be making up, what we hope will be, some fabulous hampers for this raffle. Each year group has been given the theme for their hamper and now has a collection box - please feel free to send in items as and when you are able to. The deadline for the hamper donations is Friday 19th November.

I must also bring to your attention that I have received a further complaint regarding parking in Old Tye Avenue whereby the resident was not able to leave their property due to a vehicle overhanging their drive. Our good relationship with our neighbours is very important to us as a school for both our reputation locally and within the borough. We are working exceptionally hard as a school to ensure that we uphold our good reputation. I can only ask again, that collectively we all consider our residents when and if we are driving and parking in Old Tye Avenue and the roads in the vicinity of the school. Finally, next week is Anti-bullying Week. The theme for anti-bullying week this year is ‘One Kind Word’ and on Monday 15th November we invite everyone (including staff) to come into school wearing odd socks!

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead



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