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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 12th May 2023

Posted: Fri 12th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been an exceptionally busy week in school and I must say an enormous ‘well done’ to our year 6 children this week for working so hard on their SATs. I have been so impressed by the positive attitudes, endeavour and resilience that year 6 have shown - I am very proud of each and every one of them! I would also like to thank Miss O’Mahony, Miss Wigfield and the many staff involved with administering the SATs this week.

Next week, our year 2 children will be starting their KS1 SATs.It is important for all year 2 children to be in school on time - please remember that the gates open at 8.40am, giving the children plenty of time to settle before their tests. The SATs will take place over a 2 week period (week commencing 15th and 22nd May) and be managed by our Year 2 teaching staff with additional staff supporting. If any Year 2 parents and carers have any questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s class teacher.

My thanks to Miss Elliott, Year 4 Teacher and Educational Visits Lead, for hosting our Year 4 Bushcraft meeting for parents and carers on Tuesday afternoon. If any parents and carers of year 4 children attending Bushcraft have any final questions, queries or concerns please contact either Miss Elliott or Miss Pluim as soon as possible and before Tuesday at midday at the very latest.

For children that are not attending Bushcraft, we have a lovely few days planned and are very much looking forward to next week.

On Wednesday, Mrs Helps posted our school class Coronation cards to Buckingham Palace. We made the decision not to put these out on Tuesday morning and afternoon as the weather was very unsettled and we didn’t want the cards to get ruined - we also had a few finishing touches to make! Please see the pictures of the cards on page 2 of this newsletter for you all to enjoy.

On Thursday 11th May, I sent a consultation letter regarding PE and Forest School Kits and we would like to seek your views on this subject. If not already done so, please can I ask you to complete the survey - the link can be found on the letter. This survey should take no more than a minute of your time and will close on 18th May at 3.30pm. Yesterday afternoon we also sent a letter and presentation to YR-6 parents and carers regarding the teaching of RSHE which will be delivered as weekly sessions, starting in the week beginning Tuesday 6th June.

As mentioned in the letter, there will also be a drop in session in the Key Stage 2 hall after school on Wednesday, 24th May from 3:30-4:30pm where Miss Wigfield, PSHE Lead will be available to answer any questions regarding the content of these teaching materials.

Finally, on behalf of the leadership team and staff at the school, I would like to wish our Year 2 children the very best of luck with their SATs next week and the week after. We wish all our families a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

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