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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 12th March 2021

Posted: Fri 12th Mar 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a brilliant first week back with all our wonderful children - we really hope they all enjoyed the special welcome back on Monday morning. I know the children were especially delighted to see Martin, our much loved lollipop man.

Today has been our World Book ‘Dress Up’ Day. As always, our amazing children have made such an effort with dressing up as their favourite book characters. Your creativity and resourcefulness never ceases to amaze!

Thank you to everyone for observing the government guidelines around mask wearing and social distancing during drop off and collection times.

This week has been all about settling in and reintegration into school for our children. Children have enjoyed some wellbeing activities, usual lessons and of course socialising with their friends - it has been great to see their joy at being back with their peers.

Mrs Lawrence and I are particularly impressed with how settled and happy the children seem and how well they have managed the transition back to school. If you do have any concerns around teaching, learning or your child's wellbeing, please do let your child's class teacher know. Please look out for our Who to Contact About What Guide - that will be coming soon, this will help to direct parents and carers to the right person, depending on the nature of the issue.

We will be celebrating Red Nose Day in school this year on Friday 19th March. We are asking that children come to school on 19th March dressed as their heroes. Your child’s hero should be somebody that they respect, are inspired by, look up to and would like to be like when they grow up. Alternatively children can wear their own clothes - including something red! For more information, please see the letter from Miss Wigfield dated 8th March - this can be found under the Parent Portal section of the website.

Thanks everyone for pulling together for all our wonderful children and making their return a memorable one!

Have a fabulous weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman


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