Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 12th June 2020

Posted: Tue 7th Jul 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

It's been a busy and enjoyable week with some children back in school, children learning remotely at home and with our key worker provision. Children that are in school are all very settled and have adapted very well to different ways of working and moving around the school. I have also spent some time looking around each Google Classroom and seen some lovely examples of work from children at home and
school - thank you to everyone!

Earlier in the week you will have also received an email regarding our school house names, if you would like to nominate any potential influential figures to be our new
house names, please email these to me by Friday 19th June. All schools will be introducing a new diversity and inclusion curriculum in September and this will be a great way to launch that agenda in the new academic year.

This week you will have been sent a survey on our Inclusion and SEND provision in school, we would be enormously grateful if this could be completed for each child you have on roll, as your feedback is very important to us and will help to ensure that we are providing the best provision possible.

I would like to make a special mention to our Year 6 and Year 2 children, as a few weeks ago would have been the time they were taking their SATS, which were not able to take place due to the pandemic. We know how hard these children have worked and what a credit to their parents/carers and the school they are - we are all just so
incredibly proud of them all!

Our Year 4 and 6 children would have also just returned from their residential trips, which have sadly not been able to take place. I know this is extremely disappointing for the children and I would like to thank them all for being so fabulous and understanding.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mr Ellis

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