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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 11th November 2022

Posted: Fri 11th Nov 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was wonderful to welcome parents and carers to 6O’s class assembly this morning - thank you so much for coming and supporting the children. We very much hope you enjoyed finding out all about their learning in school - well done to them all! A very special ‘thank you’ to Miss O’Mahony for preparing the children so well and her work towards the assembly.

This week we held our BHPS Open Days for prospective families with children due to start school in September 2023 and we were delighted with how well attended these were. These attraction days are a very important event for us as a school and so we were thrilled with the turn out.

We would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all the children for showing such wonderful behaviour during our open events. Having lots of visitors peer into classrooms can sometimes be overwhelming for children, but ALL of our amazing children were just fabulous.

A very special mention to Year 6, who helped the Leadership Team with these events in school. We were both very proud to write to their parents/carers on Tuesday evening to share how marvellous they had all been during the open events. Year 6 were involved by acting as tour guides and promoting our school to the prospective (and existing) parents and carers who visited. They helped to set up our hall and spoke about their own experiences at our school and generally extended a very warm and positive welcome to everyone who attended the events. Two of our year 6 children, Lewis C-B and Hannah O also read their account of the experience they have had at the school to a large audience! We would also like to extend our thanks to Mrs
Bellhouse-Smith and Mrs Smith for serving refreshments to our visitors on
the day.

All of our children have represented our school brilliantly and we are proud of them all.

For any prospective families with children due to start school in September 2023 that missed our open days, we will be running some ‘set tours’ at the school (see our advert on page 2).

Our heartfelt thanks to you all for your very kind donations to our ‘Stickers for shower Gel’ campaign for Bromley Brighter Beginnings. We were delighted to collect a huge amount of bottles of shower gel - these were delivered yesterday evening and received by them with huge thanks.

On Tuesday, I sent out a letter regarding the BHPS Christmas Fair which is taking place on Friday 9th December, 3.30pm-5.30pm. We hope to have another amazing raffle this year and as in previous years we will be making up, what we hope will be, some fabulous hampers for this raffle. Each year group has been given the theme for their hamper and has a collection box - please feel free to send in items as and when you are able to. The deadline for the hamper donations is Friday 18th November.

Next week we will celebrate both Anti-bullying Week and Children in Need - please read our letter sent yesterday carefully. In summary, on Monday (14th November), for Anti-bullying Week and Odd Socks Day, we invite children tocome to school wearing odd socks. On Friday (18th November), for Children In Need, we invite children to come to school wearing their own clothes including either something spotty; something yellow; or something bear-themed to pay homage to Pudsey bear. On Friday we will be collecting a suggested donation of £1 for each child on the gate in return for wearing their own clothes.

We will not be collecting money on Odd Socks Day this year due to the ongoing cost of living crisis. Instead, we will be splitting donations collected on Friday 18th equally between both the two charities, Anti-Bullying Alliance and Children in Need.

This morning at 11am class teachers led their class in a moving Act of Remembrance. The whole school fell silent to remember the service men and women who have given their lives for our country. We were all very proud of the children as their behaviour was impeccable.

On Sunday, myself, Mrs Helps and our prefects will also be representing the school, along with other community organisations and local schools’ at the Biggin Hill War
Memorial Remembrance Service.

Finally, next Friday 18th November, we will be welcoming parents and carers into school from 2.30pm where children will be sharing their Learning Highlights with you - please do come along.

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Our very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman - Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Lawrence - SENCo, Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead





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