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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 10th September 2021

Posted: Fri 10th Sep 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Our focus this term is very much around the well-being of our children and staff. We have been reiterating the importance of looking after each other!

Over the summer we had a small revamp of our staffroom and introduced some staff wellbeing initiatives. Thank you to Mrs Sargeant, who oversees wellbeing across the whole school. As well as her brilliant work around supporting families, I know she has been and continues to be a huge support to the staff here. My thanks also to Mrs Burton, our School Business Manager, for ensuring everything was ready for our staffroom revamp and opening up the school on a Sunday to enable Mrs Sargeant and I to organise this nice surprise for our staff!

I am also very excited to inform you that Mr Day has officially completed his NQT year - teaching in such difficult circumstances and passing his induction during such a challenging year is something to be very proud of! On behalf of our entire school, I would like to congratulate Mr Day - well done!

Mr Walpole, our Caretaker, has done a fantastic job over the summer with the school site. We are very lucky to have such an extensive site here at BHPS, however, his list of jobs is never-ending! Enormous thanks to Mr Walpole for all his continued hard work to make the site the very best it can be for all our children, staff and visitors.

We are also delighted to advise that Charles Darwin Academy Trust has appointed Aston Smith to the post of Headteacher for Charles Darwin School from 1st January 2022. We very much look forward to working with Aston and to building upon the very firm foundations and excellent working relationship we already have with Charles Darwin School.

As part of our monitoring, the leadership team has conducted learning walks this week. We are hugely impressed with how well the children have settled and the vast range of creative and exciting teaching and learning activities we have seen - the children are engaged and seem very happy.

Our Pre-School children are settling in very well and Reception children have enjoyed staying for lunch this week; these first few weeks in school are very important and I am very grateful to our Pre-School and Reception team for making sure that the children are settled and familiar with school routines and also to parents and carers for doing such a great job of preparing children for their first weeks at school.

We are also delighted to be able to offer swimming lessons to our year 6 children, these would normally take place in year 4, however due to COVID-19 restrictions we were unable to offer these. Year 6 parents/carers - swimming lessons start on Monday 13th September. Swimming for both Year 4 and Year 5 will follow later in the year.

We have also started ‘Tea and Tots’ our baby and toddler group. This will run on a Tuesday between 1.30 - 3pm. We very much hope that our families with little ones will join us.

Finally, on Monday 27th September I will be holding a year 6 SATs Meeting at 7.00pm. We have also extended the invitation to our year 5 parents/carers as SATS are not too far away for these children either! We are just in the process of finalising the best method to conduct this meeting - and will confirm this next week. If you have any questions about the Y6 school journey or about secondary applications or transfer, we will also be able to answer these at this meeting.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

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