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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 10th February 2022

Posted: Fri 11th Feb 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have come to the end of what has been an exceptionally busy half-term and one that has provided us with many challenges! Thank you for your support in helping us to deal with the impact that COVID continues to have on our school. I must say how immensely proud I am of all our wonderful children - they have to deal with so much change and they have done this brilliantly. I hope you will also join me in thanking the
staff team at BHPS for being so adaptable and flexible - it has been hard for everyone and the way that everyone has stepped up to help has been fantastic.

This week has been Internet Safety Week with Internet Safety Day celebrated throughout the school on Tuesday. Children (R-Y6) started the week with a virtual assembly all about Internet safety and have enjoyed various learning activities throughout the week. I would like to thank Miss Farrell, Computing Lead, for planning and leading the week for both KS1 and KS2.

Miss O'Mahony has very much enjoyed welcoming Y2O parents and carers to parent consultations on Tuesday and Wednesday and myself, Mrs Lawrence, Mr Devlin and teaching staff are very much looking forward to welcoming you to parent and carer consultations today and Friday. These consultations will provide you with the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, wellbeing and achievement at school. Please make sure you take a little time to look through your child's work and celebrate their achievements with them - children love to talk about their learning and
are always very proud to talk about their school work.

I would just like to give some advance notice that the Friends disco ‘Let's Glow Spring Dance’ has moved to 2nd March - more information will follow after half-term from the Friends of BHPS.

On Tuesday I forwarded a flyer from Boom Arts Academy for an exciting Easter Workshop (ages 4-16) they are running at Biggin Hill Primary School on 4th April. Boom Arts currently run an after school street dance club here on a Monday which has proved very popular with the children. For more information about the Easter Workshop and to find out how to book a place (external chargeable club), please visit

Restrictions will be lifted after half term, I will write with details about this during half term.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support to the school - we really couldn't do what we do without all your support and positivity. The children have all worked very hard this half-term and are very deserving of a break!
Please remember that today is an INSET and the school is closed to children. Children who attend parent consultations with their parents and carers will need to be supervised by parents and carers.

I hope you all have a wonderful half-term, enjoy the time away from school and enjoy a much needed break.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead



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