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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 10th December 2021

Posted: Fri 10th Dec 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I was very sorry to have written to you all on Monday to advise you of the need for extra precautions in the run up to Christmas. Since enacting our outbreak management plan, I am pleased to say that the number of confirmed cases has not increased and though it is an ever changing picture, we are confident that the additional measures that we have in place will help to limit transmission.

I also wrote to families on Wednesday to lay out our alternative Christmas plans and we are very happy to be able to invite parents and carers to our outside Christmas singalongs next week. As per my letter, you will be able to see your child sing as well as purchase sweet cones, hot chocolate cones, reindeer food and craft packs. We will also be selling the crafts that the children have made. Our PPA room will be set up as the bottle tombola for the week and parents/carers will be able to purchase tickets for this before and after the performances. Please bring some change, your mask and wrap up very warm! There will be refreshments provided. Our pre-school singalong (which was already taking place outside) will go ahead as originally planned.

The Friends will be drawing the raffle today - a member of the Friends or staff will be in contact with all winners. Please note, prizes will need to be collected during the last week of term - thank you to everyone who has bought tickets.

The children very much enjoyed the Secrets Room, which was organised and managed by the Friends of BHPS. They were inundated with requests and it was fabulous of them to provide this shopping opportunity for the children. Thank you to the Friends for this brilliant event for our children!

We were very sad to cancel our ‘Tea and Tots’ Christmas party this week. I know Mrs Sargeant has been in contact with all the families and made arrangements for these very young children to receive a little something from Santa! Thank you to Mrs Sargeant and Mrs Helps for organising this - they were so disappointed that it could not go ahead.

On Wednesday, year R, 1 and 2 enjoyed the Panto. Most of the children loved it! We are very sorry not to have been able to bring this to all the children this year.

Thank you all for your generosity towards Bromley Foodbank - we were delighted, on behalf of our school community, to be able to pass this wonderful collection to them on Wednesday.


Today has been Christmas Jumper Day in aid of ‘Save the Children’. Thank you again for giving so generously this morning. 

We had a very special guest in school today and we were hugely grateful to him for making a special visit to our school!

I also wish to advise that Ms McLaren, LSA (Y4), will be leaving us on 7th January 2022. Ms McLaren has been part of our wonderful LSA team for over 6 years and has supported many children throughout the school. On behalf of the staff team here, I would like to thank Ms McLaren for her fantastic work and support that she has provided to the school. We pass on our very best wishes for her new role and the future.

A reminder that our first day back at school after the Christmas break is Tuesday 4th January. We have also added our term dates for 22/23 to our website - we hope that this will help families plan ahead for the year. 

You will also have seen my email yesterday regarding Boom Arts Academy and their NEW and exciting ‘Street Dance’ after school club. Boom Arts Academy have already demonstrated how exciting street dance is during an assembly at the end of October, we also hope to be able to welcome them back in January for a further whole school assembly as the children loved the music and moves so much! Boom Arts Academy ‘Street Dance’ club will be starting on Monday 10th January.

Please remember to wear a mask on site and if you are coming into school for a meeting, or to help with an event we politely request that you complete an LFD test beforehand.

We look forward to seeing you at your child's singalong next week. 

My very best wishes,


Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

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