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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 07th May 2021

Posted: Fri 7th May 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had such a busy week in school and we are so proud of how hard the children are working. Children are enjoying their learning and teaching staff are maximising every possible learning opportunity available. It is always a delight to see such creativity from our teaching staff here at Biggin Hill Primary School and makes me realise how lucky we are to be able to provide all that we do; there really is something very special about our school!

On Tuesday, you will have received a letter regarding ‘The Big Ask.’ This is an opportunity for children in England to have their say in this once-in-a-generation review of children’s lives. Please see page 4 of this newsletter for more information.

On Thursday, I met with the staff team who will be taking our year 4 and 5 children to Bushcraft to finalise the arrangements and details. The children are very excited about this fantastic residential trip and I know they will gain far more from this wonderful experience than they realise! The children who are not going have such a fun three days of in-school activities planned including their own Bushcraft day and a Domino's pizza delivery!

I can not tell you how disappointed myself and the year 6 team are to be unable to take our year 6 children to the Eden Project this year, however, we all fully understand the reasons for this. We have a very long history of providing a residential experience for children in year 6 before they head off to secondary school. Nevertheless, we are very excited to be in the final stages of planning a very exciting fun week for our year 6 children! We are almost there with the arrangements and I will communicate plans with our year 6 parents/carers in the coming weeks.

We are also very sad to advise that Mrs Rowe will be leaving us today. Mrs Rowe has been part of the cleaning team here for many years and will be missed by us all. We wish her and her family well for the future.

I have just a few housekeeping items. Could we please ask that all items of clothing, especially jumpers and coats, are named along with water bottles. Also, for children having a packed lunch, please can you ensure that this includes a drink for them to have at lunchtime.

Finally, when you pass our main Reception, you will see the most beautiful display of the Earth with our commitment hearts made by the children on World Earth Day. Mrs Churchward has done a great job with this and the KS1 entrance display - thank you!

I look forward to seeing you all on Monday - have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

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