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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 02th December 2022

Posted: Fri 2nd Dec 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Monday, it was a privilege for us both to welcome families to our Ambassadors and Special Recognition Assembly. Being able to present these special awards and recognise children for their achievements both inside and outside of school is always a pleasure! Well done to everyone who received either an Ambassador or Special Recognition badge.

Last Saturday, our BHPS Choir sang during the switching on of the Biggin Hill Christmas lights. The Choir sang four songs beautifully. Our thanks to Miss Turner, Music Lead, for organising for BHPS to be there and also to Miss Wigfield and Mrs Snelling for both attending and supporting.

This week has been Assessment Week at the school for children in Reception to Year 6. It is necessary for us to undertake assessments so we can gain a snapshot of where everyone is and plan our teaching and learning accordingly. Children responded very well to the week and we are very proud of all of them.

On Tuesday, children enjoyed a little more World Cup fun as Harrison Catering served a special World Cup menu! Thank you to their amazing kitchen team for organising this special lunch for the children. I am sure many families tuned in to watch the match in the evening - such a brilliant win for England against Wales! Come on England!

On Wednesday morning we were delighted to extend a warm welcome to prospective families of children who are due to start school in September 2023. Families thoroughly enjoyed looking around the school and finding out all about BHPS. Again, the children were just fabulous and such a credit to the school - thank you to them all.

Yesterday afternoon our Netball team played a fantastic match against Marian Vian School. Although we did not secure a win, our BHPS team played brilliantly and showed amazing sportsmanship - well done to them all and to Mrs Horgan for coaching and organising the match!

Christmas has really started at BHPS. Today was ‘Own Clothes’ day in exchange for a bottle and a packet of wrapped sweets - thank you all so much for your incredibly kind donations. These will be used at the Christmas Fair for both the Bottle Tombola and also the Sweets stall.

Our Christmas preparations for singalongs and shows are in full swing at school; this week it has been wonderful to hear children singing and to see them rehearsing. We haven’t opened the glitter yet….but it won't be long!

Next week is the start of our festive fun and we are very excited for all the Christmas events we have planned. Please remember we have our Christmas Fair straight from school next Friday, so do come along and support the school and join in with the fun.

We have also provided a little insight describing what Olive, our school dog, has been doing - please see our most recent BHPS Newsletter. Our ‘School Dog’ policy is available to view on this website. If there are any families who do not wish for their child to have contact with Olive, please do let us know.

On Monday and Tuesday next week, the Friends will be running ‘Elfridges’ for us. Please note that we are now not able to accept any more orders for ‘Elfridges’ as this is now closed.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Our very best wishes,

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Lawrence SENCo, Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead








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