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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter - Week 21 8th-11th February 2016

Posted: Fri 12th Feb 2016

Dear parents and carers,

This half term has flown by!

This week we have had a review carried out by an external consultant and trained Ofsted inspector—the review went really well. The consultant was particularly impressed with behaviour for learning across the school, quality and amount of writing in books across all subjects, Guided Reading and teacher’s marking and feedback. She has given us some areas that we need to continue to improve so all in all it was a very positive and productive visit.

Walter Raleigh Class assembly was fantastic this morning—well done everyone, it was great to hear about all of the interesting things that you have been learning!

There are lots of exciting things going on next half term (which is very short) including World Book Day and Science Week, so watch this space for more information.

Congratulations to JK Rowling Class who won the attendance award this week with 100%.  We are looking forward to seeing you all at parent conferences after half term.

Have a great half term!          

James Ellis




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