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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter - Week 19 25th-29th January 2016

Posted: Fri 29th Jan 2016

What a wet and windy week it has been! The children have coped very well with all the wet break and lunch times and our Y6 prefects have been a great help.

Year 6 completed their mock SATs this week—it was a stressful time for them but was good practice and has given the teachers vital information about what needs to be done to ensure that the children are ready for the real thing in May.  We are also working our way through the Year 1 mock phonic screening tests and again the children have really risen to the challenge and tried their best! 

The Year 5 and 6 choir members are off to the O2 this afternoon/evening for the Young Voices Concert, if you are going along to watch we hope that you have a wonderful time!  Thank you to Mrs Windover, Mr Devlin , Mrs Snelling, and Mrs Freeman for accompanying the children—it is an exceptionally long day for staff but they do this willingly!

Congratulations to Bear Grylls Class who won the attendance award this week with 98.1%. 

Have a great weekend!          

James Ellis


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