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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter - Week 15 December 2015

Posted: Fri 18th Dec 2015

It has been a fabulous term—the children and staff have worked so hard and I would like to thank them all for their efforts.

In assembly this morning we awarded certificates to all of those children with 100% attendance for the autumn term—well done to anyone who received one. We also gave out Head Teacher Awards to one child per class  for outstanding work or effort, their parents/carers were invited to see them collect their awards in assembly this morning, which made it extra special for the children! 

Thank you to everyone who came to watch one of our Christmas shows—weren’t they wonderful? We hope that they have got everyone in the Christmas spirit!  We would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you all on January 4th!   

Enjoy the holidays!          

James Ellis                                                                                                

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