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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter - week 13

Posted: Sat 5th Dec 2015

As you can see from this week’s newsletter, there has been a lot going on over the last couple of weeks!

The Christmas Fayre was so well supported by you all and was a really great event. Thank you to everyone who organised and helped to make it such a roaring success!

We are looking forward to welcoming you all to our annual Christmas Productions in the last week of term– rehearsals are now in full swing and we think you are in for a treat! We hold celebrations assemblies every Friday morning; this is when our stars of the week collect their certificate and are recognised for their achievements. It is also an opportunity to share their achievements from outside of school—the children love to sit on the Bench of Glory—nearly as much as Mrs Freeman and Mrs Lawrence love singing about it!!!

Our special anti-bullying assembly went very well on Monday—every year group shared what they had been working on and what they had learned. Bullying is not tolerated here at BHPS and so if you have any concerns then please come and speak to myself or Mrs Freeman. Finally, congratulations to Baden Powell Class who won the attendance award this week with 99.3%.

Have a great weekend. James Ellis


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