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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter - Issue 4 - 29th September 2023

Posted: Fri 29th Sep 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Despite the fact that the weather just can’t seem to decide whether we are still in the midst of summer or already in the clutches of autumn - it has been another lovely week! Could we please ask that children are prepared for all weathers; they need to have a water bottle in school and a coat in case it rains.

On Monday you will receive a letter about parent conferences which will be held on 12th and 13th October. Conferences can be booked via Arbor from Wednesday of next week until the following Wednesday. October parent conferences are a chance for you to find out how your child has settled, what their attitudes and learning behaviours are like and you will also be able to have a look at their books. We have not conducted any formal assessments so far this year and so these meetings are not data focussed. We look forward to seeing you all at these meetings.

Sincere apologies for the fact that we have not yet managed to hold a Parent Forum this term.  I had hoped to host a meeting before half term but fear that this will have to be pushed to next half term. I will get a letter out about this as soon as I can, but in the meantime please do raise any non-urgent issues or items of discussion with your class reps.

Mr Gower, our new site manager, has been a fantastic addition to the BHPS team. We have a very large site and we do not always immediately spot issues that may have arisen. Please contact me or Mr Gower directly if you have any concerns about the school site and we will do our best to address these.

Please check the diary dates section carefully as we have a number of things coming up in the next couple of weeks and after half term - including individual and sibling photographs.

Have a great weekend!

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 


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