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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Carol Singing for Mencap

Posted: Mon 18th Dec 2017

We have had the following email from Bromley Mencap thanking our choir for their wonderful carol singing at the Glades last week—well done folks! 

On behalf of everyone at Bromley Mencap I am writing to thank you and your choir for taking part in our Carol Singing Day at Intu Shopping Centre on 07 December.  I hope that you enjoyed the occasion as I know our volunteers and the shoppers did.  The singing was absolutely beautiful and a great start to the festive season. I am delighted to inform you that we collected an amazing amount of £1,122.06.  You should all be very proud of yourselves and this will make a big difference to us and the families that we support. All of the money raised will be used to help individuals of all ages who have disabilities in Bromley and provide support for their families. Events like the Carol Singing are vital for the future funding of the charity so we cannot thank you enough for taking part and supporting our work in such a positive way. I wish all the staff and children a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I  hope you can continue to support

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