Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Beach Trip to Joss Bay….

Posted: Tue 19th Jul 2016

What can we say? We just had the best time ever! Our trip to the beach on Tuesday was a huge success, the weather was wonderful and the children certainly made the most of the sunshine!

We made sandcastles, paddled in the sea, played beach cricket and football, collected shells and generally relaxed and had fun! The children were perfectly behaved and several members of the public commented on how wonderful they were and how impressed they were with their litter picking at the end of the day!

All the staff would like to thank Mr Ellis who masterminded and planned the whole trip and even organised an ice cream for everyone as a surprise! Thank you to all the staff who worked so hard to ensure that the trip was a success and to the parent helpers who were such a great help on the day. A HUGE thank you to the Friends who paid for the transport to and from the beach—you have helped to create some very special memories for the children!

We will let the photos do the talking!


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