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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 27th May 2022

Posted: Fri 27th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was wonderful to see the sea of red, white and blue this morning and to be greeted by children wearing their marvellous hats! We have had a fun-filled day to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - we have enjoyed contributing to our collective school art project and making a class card fitting for The Queen as well as having great fun at our street party with flags, music and streamers and our ‘Jump for Jubilee’. Our pre-school children have also enjoyed joining in with most of our school celebrations and also had their own mini party! Across the whole school we have also enjoyed various Queen’s Platinum Jubilee themed learning activities throughout the week. Our class cards will be posted to Buckingham Palace tomorrow so Her Majesty will receive these in time for the official celebrations!

Our ‘Tea and Tots’ children enjoyed a mini Queen’s Platinum Jubilee party on Tuesday afternoon. Thank you to Mrs Sargeant, Family Liaison and Mental Health Lead, for organising this for the very youngest members of our school community. It was a pleasure to host our Ambassador and Special Recognition Assembly yesterday morning - it is always special to award these badges to children from across the school and recognise their achievements in relation to our BHPS school values.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, some of our year 6 children enjoyed Bikeability - it was also lovely to hear from the Bikeability team, how well behaved and engaged our children were during their course.

It was a pleasure to also welcome parents and carers to our first Community Coffee Morning and Pre-loved School Uniform Sale on Wednesday morning. I do hope you found this a friendly space where you could meet other parents and carers from across the school and also had the chance to purchase some pre-loved uniform via the Friends.

When we come back to school on Monday 6th June, our Year 6 children will be off to the Isle of Wight on their residential trip for the week and our Year 2 children will be off on a school trip to Greenwich Maritime Museum, so our first day back will be a very busy one! With this in mind, can we kindly ask, on this occasion, for parents and carers to try to park away from the entrance to the school to allow for both of these trips to depart with ease.

It really has been a very busy half-term at BHPS and, along with the leadership team, I would like to thank the staff team for their hard work and support. The children have been exceptional this half-term and I wish all our families a wonderful break.

Finally, a special ‘thank you’ to the Friends of BHPS for the funding of our Jubilee celebrations across the school. Today, each child will bring home a special Jubilee pin and certificate as a keepsake of their special day today.

I look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 6th June.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead



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