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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 25th February 2022

Posted: Fri 25th Feb 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been so nice to welcome everyone back to school this week to what I hope will be a brilliant term. The children have really enjoyed being back to normal routines - as have the staff!

As I mentioned in my email to you on 17th February, and after the valuable feedback from our parent forum group, we will be keeping the side exit gate open at collection time to ease congestion. Please ensure you use the main path to enter the site and the blue side gate and path to exit - thank you.

Just before the end of the half-term, the leadership team held Pupil Progress Reviews (PPRs) with teaching teams across the school and the information from these important reviews will inform our teaching this term. Children in both year 2 and 6 will be preparing for statutory assessments, which the DfE have confirmed will take place in all primary schools across England this year.

This week we have enjoyed two class assemblies; one from 5F yesterday morning, and this morning it was the turn of 4D. Seeing how much the children have learned in school was a delight - both assemblies were great and I would like to thank both 5F and Miss Farrell and 4D and Mr Day.

Today we have enjoyed Careers and Aspirations Day across the school and the school has been a hive of activity with guest speakers and lots of career related activities and learning. I was also delighted to host a special ‘thank you’ lunch today for our speakers which was attended by Caralisa Woods our Chair of Governors. Mrs Woods also enjoyed joining Mrs Lawrence and I on a learning walk to classes to see what the children had been learning - we were even lucky enough to visit whilst some of our speakers were presenting. We very much enjoyed pulling together the day, however, this really would not have been possible without our amazing guest speakers - thank you to you all. Mrs Helps and I will provide a more detailed article in next week's newsletter so you can find out a little more about some of our guest speakers and the sorts of activities that children enjoyed across the school. Thank you to Mrs Helps who organised and ran the day!

Please keep an eye on the ‘Diary Dates’ section of the newsletter as this is where, along with the calendar section on our website, we publish dates for upcoming events. 

Miss Farrell has provided an article on Internet Safety Week and Internet Safety Day, which was a focus throughout the school just before the half-term break. We hope that the video link and presentation sent to you on Friday 11th February in Miss Farrell's letter provides you with an insight into Internet Safety and the sorts of activities that we have enjoyed as a school. Thank you to Miss Farrell for all of her great work - it is so important that the whole school community understands how to ensure that children are safe whilst they are online. If you do have any questions around Internet safety, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Farrell at or myself at

Next week we will be sharing a presentation of our learning from Number Day with you all - keep a look out for this early next week.

I hope that parent consultations gave you the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with class teachers. If there are any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss from parent consultations, then please do not hesitate to contact the teaching staff directly or myself.

I would also like to inform you all that Mrs Churchward is expecting her first child which is due mid August. Mrs Churchward will be with us upto the end of this academic year and then will commence her maternity leave. I am sure you will join me in extending our congratulations to Mrs Churchward and her husband on this very exciting news!

Next Friday we will sadly say goodbye to Mrs D’Monte who we know children and staff will miss. Mrs D’Monte has been with us for many years and has worked both in our pre-school and more recently in Reception. We wish Mrs D’Monte all the very best in her new role and thank her for all of her hard work at BHPS.

It's going to be a fabulous term for us all - bring on the spring!

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead




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