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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 24th June 2022

Posted: Fri 24th Jun 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was wonderful for us to start the day with the most brilliant assembly from Reception, Eileen Collins class. As our youngest school children, again I am filled with pride with how much these children have learned and how confident they were during their class assembly. A very special ‘thank you’ to the children, Mrs Churchward and the Reception team for preparing them all so well.

Last Friday, we held our first KS1 and Y3 Choir and Musical Concert for parents and carers. The concert was a celebration of our love of music and singing - this is something we very much enjoy at the school and also gave some of our children that learn the piano in school the opportunity to perform a solo performance, which was truly amazing. A very special ‘well done’ to our wonderful children that performed in the choir and our solo pianists. Thank you to Miss Turner, Music Lead, for organising the event and as a reminder, our KS1 and Y3 choir lunchtime sessions have now concluded for the term.

On Monday, our year 5 children had a fabulous start to the week with a visit to the Biggin Hill Memorial Museum where they enjoyed learning about what Biggin Hill was like during WWII. Miss Wigfield and Miss Farrell were delighted to report that the children were exceptionally well behaved and represented the school very well.

On Wednesday, it was also a pleasure to welcome our 22/23 Reception parents and carers to a meeting here at the school. On behalf of the whole school, I extend a very warm welcome to them all.

Finally, we are still in the process of finalising our teaching structure for the next academic year and we hope to be in a position to provide this to you at some point over the next few weeks. Myself and Mr Devlin will look forward to sharing this with you in due course.

We are all looking forward to Sports Day and our Summer Fair next Friday.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Lawrence

Deputy Headteacher, SENCo and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Reminder: Please ensure your child has sun cream applied prior to
school, has a hat and water bottle in school.

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