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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 13th May 2022

Posted: Fri 13th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a very busy week in school and I must say an enormous ‘well done’ to our year 6 children this week. I have been so impressed by the positive attitudes and endeavour that year 6 have shown - I am very proud of each and every one of them! I would also like to thank Mr Devlin, Miss Elliott and the many staff involved with administering the SATs this week.

Next week, our year 2 children will be continuing with their KS1 SATs. It is important for all year 2 children to be in school on time - please remember that the gates open at 8.40am, giving the children plenty of time to settle before their tests.

This week Miss O’Mahony, Wider Curriculum and Equality and Diversity Lead, provides a wonderful insight as to how we support diversity and equality at BHPS with a special focus article on equality and diversity in the curriculum area of literacy. We hope you enjoy finding out about how we weave this into our curriculum at school, however, if you do have any questions around equality and diversity in our school, please contact Miss O'Mahony directly.

On Wednesday I sent a letter informing you about our BHPS Community Coffee Morning which is taking place on 25th May between 8.45-10am. This is an open invitation for you to meet other parents and carers, forge new friendships and enjoy a coffee or tea on us! The Friends have also launched their pre-loved school uniform shop and their first Pre-loved School Uniform Sale will be held at the coffee morning, so please do come along.

Earlier today Miss Wigfield sent a letter regarding ‘Walk to School’ week which is taking place next week in school. We hope that everyone, as much as physically and feasibly possible, takes the opportunity to walk to school - not only is it good for our health, it is also a great way to start the day!

We are now making the final preparations for our year 4 Bushcraft residential trip and I would like to ask that if any parents/carers of year 4 children attending the trip have any questions, queries or concerns to please contact either Mrs Buchanan or Mr Day as soon as possible.

Please keep an eye on the ‘Diary Dates’ section of this newsletter as we are now approaching a very busy time of the year. Finally, just as a reminder, class photographs are scheduled to take place on 23rd May.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

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