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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 10th June 2022

Posted: Fri 10th Jun 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope all our families had a wonderful half-term and enjoyed The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations. I know that many of our families had a fabulous time enjoying local street parties! As you are aware, on the last day of term we all enjoyed celebrating in school - to find out more about our special day, please have a look at our article.

It has been a tremendously busy week at school. On Monday, our year 6 children departed for their residential trip to the Isle of Wight and our year 2 children went to the National Maritime Museum for the day. Our year 6 children that did not attend the residential trip have had a fabulous week and enjoyed a visit to Herne Bay where the weather was glorious. They have also enjoyed a wonderful trip to the cinema and a Pizza Express lunch today! Our Reception children also had an amazing and fun-filled day at Godstone Farm on Wednesday!

We have also enjoyed two class assemblies this week. On Thursday, it was the turn of 4B who amazed us all with their learning and experience at Bushcraft, and this morning it was the turn of 2O who shared all their amazing learning with us. I would like to thank Mrs Buchanan (4B) and Miss O'Mahony (2O) for supporting the children so well to deliver these brilliant class assemblies for us to enjoy.

Mrs Buchanan, Mr Day and Mrs Horgan have provided a lovely article about our year 4 Bushcraft trip which was just before the half-term break. Again, this really did provide a wonderful experience for the children and one that we think they will remember for a very long time!

Later this evening we look forward to welcoming back our year 6 children from the Isle of Wight - I am sure they will have many stories to tell us all next week!

From Monday 12th June we will be re-opening the exit path and would like to ask, when entering and exiting the school grounds, to use the usual wider path for entry to our site and the smaller path and gate for exit from our site. This helps with flow of people and supports less congestion on site.

It has been a wonderful first week and the children have come back to school full of enthusiasm for learning. We are all looking forward to a brilliant final half-term and hope the weather continues to improve so we can make use of our outdoor space and beautiful grounds.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Lawrence

Deputy Headteacher, SENCo and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

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