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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 23/24 Issue 6 - 3rd November 2023

Posted: Fri 3rd Nov 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Despite the absolutely horrendous weather - it has been a very settled start to the second half of the autumn term. Thank you for bearing with us with drop off and collection arrangements when paths have been flooded. We are looking into solutions to this problem.

Please can you make sure that children have a change of footwear for playtimes on the very wettest and windy days just in case they get wet. Please also make sure that they have a warm coat in school with them every day.

We are all looking forward to the Halloween Discos this evening - thank you to everyone who has supported this event and of course to the Friends and volunteers for making it happen!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 


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