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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 23/24 - Issue 30 dated 14th June 2024

Posted: Fri 14th Jun 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Well done to all of the children in Year 4 who completed their Multiplication Check last week. This a statutory check where children are tested on a random selection of tables. They use iPads to complete the check and have to be very quick - we are really proud of all of the children.

This week the children in Year 1 have also been completing statutory assessments - they have been doing the Phonics Screening Check! The children have done brilliantly and have shown how hard they have been working in phonics lessons.

Thank you to both the Year 4 and Year 1 teams who have worked really hard to prepare the children for these assessments.

I met with the Friends this week to hear all about their plans for the Summer Fair this year - it is going to be a Summer Fair with a twist and a letter explaining will follow next week! There will be an own clothes day on Friday 21st to collect bottles (apologies as we know that some Y4 children will miss this but time is of the essence!) 

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 


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